Developing Multi-Modal Transport Systems: Legal and Policy Priorities for Nigeria

*Dr. Olisa Agbakoba SAN.
By Olisa Agbakoba
Nigeria has huge opportunities in the transportation sector to generate revenue, create jobs,
and facilitate movement for business and leisure. Unfortunately, over the years, we have not
been able to take advantage of those opportunities largely because of inadequate
infrastructure, high operating costs, weak or suboptimal regulations, limited skilled capacity,
financial difficulties, and more recently insecurity. These challenges cut across all transport
sectors including rail, road, aviation, and maritime. To successfully develop a multimodal
transport system, we first need to understand why these challenges have persisted and then
proffer workable solutions. In this article, I identify five cross-cutting legal and policy failures. I
have also outlined legal and policy priorities for transport in Nigeria.
1. Over-centralisation and federal dominance – The federal government currently
dominates the entire transport sector, not effectively engaging states and local governments.
This denies states and especially local communities the opportunity to participate in tackling
pressing transport challenges like insecurity. The fifth alteration to the 1999 Constitution,
which now allows States to participate in rail transportation is a step in the right direction.
However, a lot more devolution of transportation powers needs to take place. States should be
allowed to manage inland waterways, federal intra-state roads, etc.
2. No harmonised policy on transportation – Since Independence, Nigeria through the
Federal Ministry of Transportation has developed at least 7 transport policy documents, some
of which include: the 1965 Statement of Policy on Transport; the 1993 Transport Policy for
Nigeria; the 2003 Draft National Transport Policy Document; the 2008 Draft National Transport
Policy; the 2010 Draft National Transport Policy; the 2013 Draft National Transport Policy; and
the 2021 Draft National Transport Policy (being the latest). Most of these have remained as
drafts and were not implemented. Each state and transport sector (Aviation, Rail, Road,
Maritime) has its own policies, most of which sometimes contradict each other.
3. Overlapping institutional mandates – Nigeria’s transport sector currently has too many
regulatory agencies with unclear responsibilities. The result is competition over funding and
resources, weak inter-agency coordination, administrative bottlenecks between agencies, inter-
agency frictions over operational areas, etc. This makes coordination extremely difficult. For
example, there is a conflict between the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency NIMASA and the Nigerian Ports Authority NPA over wreck removal; NIMASA and the National
Inland Waterways Authority NIWA are also in conflict over who controls the inland
waterways. The same applies down the line among the other agencies.
4. Weak Enforcement and Implementation – Enforcement and implementation of
policies, laws, and regulations in the transport sector are often lacking due to corruption,
inadequate capacity, and insufficient funding. Several airports, airlines, and maritime operators
flout stipulated safety standards in their operations, landing procedures, and maintenance
schedules due to oversight gaps. Vandalism and trespassing of railway tracks, equipment, and
properties is rampant as there is deficient security and enforcement to protect such transport
6. Inadequate private sector engagement – This is mostly a result of complex regulatory
requirements, limited incentives, and poor contract enforcement. Policies and regulations
governing transportation are crafted without sufficient private sector inputs and perspectives,
leading to business-unfriendly policies. There is minimal private sector participation in the
development of inland water transport infrastructure and services, leading to the
underutilisation of Nigeria’s vast river systems. Additionally, private companies play negligible
roles in railway operations, leaving rail transportation underfunded and inefficient, apart from
select attempts at railway concessions. Most federal roads are funded solely by the
government, with very little private sector involvement through public-private partnerships
(PPPs), which leaves the roads in poor shape.
1. Harmonised transport policy supported by legislation – Nigeria would benefit
greatly from the development of a harmonised national transportation policy that is supported
by legislation, and which integrates all levels of government and the private sector. The Federal
Ministry of Transport should play a coordinating role in this regard. Such a multimodal policy
would facilitate coordinated infrastructure development, balanced transport investments
across regions, unified regulatory standards, robust planning from shared data forecasts, and
increased private sector capital. This would eliminate duplicitous efforts through synchronized
complementary buildout of assets like roads, rails, airports, and seaports. An overarching set of
operational, safety, and customer service regulations would also allow better sector oversight.
This, in turn, would improve efficiency, quality of service, safety, and cost optimization for both
passenger and freight movement by consolidating the strengths of public agencies and private
companies across aviation, land, and water transportation.
2. Update existing legislation – There is an urgent need to update existing legislation
governing the various transportation sectors to enable much-needed modernization. Key laws
requiring amendment include – the antiquated 1955 Railways Act to allow private concessions
and public-private partnerships in railways; the 1954 Ports Authority Act to repeal constraints
on private port operators and increase privatization; the 2006 Civil Aviation Act to empower the
NCAA regulatory agency to enforce stricter safety standards; the 2004 Highway Development
Act to attract private infrastructure investors through fairer returns; and the 2004 Inland
Waterways Act to provide impetus for private sector partnerships in boosting inland water
freight and passenger transportation channels.
3. Enact pending legislation before the National Assembly – There are several pivotal
transport sector reform bills pending before Nigeria’s National Assembly that need to be
urgently passed to enable a comprehensive revamp. These include – the National Transport
Commission Bill to formulate integrated policies across all transport modes and manage safety
regulations and consumer protections; the Ports and Harbours Bill to commercialise ports
operations and drive efficiency through privatisations; the Railway Development Authority Bill
to setup an independent agency that can expand the railway network via private investments;
the Road Sector Reform Bill to increase private sector participation in road infrastructure
projects; and the National Transport Policy Bill to institute an overarching policy that interlinks
aviation, rail, maritime and inland water transport strategies using global best practices
customised for Nigeria.
4. Streamline regulatory institutions – Nigeria needs to streamline the complex array of
regulatory institutions governing the transportation sector to improve efficiency and reduce
costs. This can be achieved by consolidating all road transport agencies under a Federal
Highways Authority; merging aviation bodies like FAAN, NCAA and NAMA within a unified
Nigerian Aviation Commission; privatising ports management while an expanded Ports
Commission oversees regulations; expanding the Rail Transport Safety Commission into a
broader oversight mandate; instituting a private sector-supported Automotive Control
Authority for vehicular inspection regimes; and setting up an apex Transportation
Commission/Ministry to coordinate policies and data sharing across the consolidated entities –
covering aspects like infrastructure integration, safety/security assurances, operational
efficiency and service delivery enhancements for a holistic advancement of Nigeria’s aviation,
rail, road, maritime and inland water transport networks.
5. Privatise and commercialise through PPP – This promises immense benefits including –
injecting billions of dollars of private capital annually to bridge huge public infrastructure
funding gaps; driving major efficiency improvements in cost optimisation, operational
excellence and service quality; enhancing technology utilisation for customer experience, safety
and transparency; reducing public sector budgetary and operational burdens to focus more on
policy oversight; and injecting world-class technical expertise, managerial competencies and
global best practices to holistically transform Nigerian transportation.
6. Incentivise transport education and growth of Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul
MRO facilities. Nigeria needs to incentivise transport education and growth of Maintenance,
Repair and Overhaul MRO facilities by providing tax rebates and import duty waivers for
certified training institutes and MRO centres; subsidising enrolment fees for technical transport
courses via a dedicated Fund to aid affordability; allocating free land or preferential leases at
airports and seaports to attract global MRO players; making MRO experience mandates for
licensing renewals to compel local facility usage; implementing preferential local content in
tenders for contractors evidencing skills transfer; and extending export incentives and tax
credits for indigenous MRO firms to support their expansion – all towards addressing the
strategic skill gap challenges and strengthening maintenance capabilities vital for advancement
of Nigeria’s aviation, rail, road and maritime transport sectors.
7. Strategy on insecurity. Nigeria requires a well-coordinated strategy between federal and
state agencies to tackle endemic insecurity in the transport sector via setting up a multi-agency
joint taskforce for intelligence sharing and unified patrols; installing sophisticated surveillance
systems like sensors, drones and AI-based analytics software integrated for proactive threat
response; incentivising community participation for intelligence gathering on risks; reviewing
insurance policies and compensation models to support operators suffering losses; criminalising
activities like rail vandalism etc. to enforce maximum deterrence penalties; and training
specialised security units dedicated to safeguarding critical airport, railway, maritime and
highway transport infrastructure.
Nigeria has enormous potential to advance its multimodal transport networks across
aviation, rail, road, maritime, and inland waterways. However, several structural issues such as
over-centralisation, fragmentation, weak institutions, inadequate infrastructure, and insecurity
have severely constrained tapping into those opportunities. Implementing the outlined legal
and policy priorities focused on greater harmonisation, updating legislative frameworks,
consolidating regulatory bodies, increased private sector participation, capacity building, and
security improvements promise to set Nigeria firmly on the path towards modern, efficient,
integrated, and world-class transport amenities. The time is now for Nigeria to make these
pivotal unified, collaborative, and progressive reforms that put in place the enabling conditions
for transport operators, investors, and customers alike to thrive.
Dr. Olisa Agbakoba SAN, foremost maritime lawyer and former National President of the Nigerian Bar Association NBA, writes from Lagos.
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