The Executive Vice Chairman/CEO of the Nigerian Communications Commission NCC, Prof. Umar Danbatta has said that the country’s robust communications policies, especially in the last 22 years have brought about remarkable, concrete and measurable revolutionary changes in the country’s communication sector.

Prof Danbatta also disclosed that prior to the liberalisation of the communication sector in 2000, the National Telecommunications Policy NTP of 2000 indicated that the total number of telephone lines at Nigeria’s independence in 1960 was only 18,724 for a population estimated at 40 million people. This translated to a teledensity of about 0.5 telephone lines per 1,000 people while the telephone network consisted of 121 exchanges of which 116 were of the manual (magneto) type while only five were automatic.

This compares to the current active telecom subscriber base of 212.2 million from about 400,000 aggregate telephone lines in the country as at year 2000, when the liberalisation began. This represents a teledensity of 111per cent.

Speaking Thursday at the ongoing virtual two-day 2nd International Conference of the Association of Media and Communications Researchers of Nigeria AMCRONwith the theme:Influence of Communication Policies on Digital Revolution in Nigeria”, the NCC-boss, noted that the topic was apt, as it provides me with the opportunity to share with the group the various communication policies and strategies formulated and emplaced by the government, which have helped to advance national aspiration for a digital economy.

He also noted that historically, the Wireless Telegraphy WTA Act of 1961, which preceded all other extant laws in the sector provided clarity concerning the nature of the regulatory management of communications in Nigeria.

It was also gathered that the Act sought to regulate the licensing, location and operation of wireless telegraphy services in Nigeria. Records also show that with the enactment of Nigerian Communications Commission Decree 75 of 1992 and the NTP of 2000, the WTA provided the springboard for the Nigerian Communications Act NCA 2003, which set the tone for the deregulation and liberalisation of the telecom sector in Nigeria, has engendered revolutionary changes ever since.

He said: “The installed switching capacity at the end of 1985 was 200,000 lines as against the planned target of about 460,000. Meanwhile, that has been modest development in the telecommunications industry since the inception of Nigerian Telecommunications Limited NITEL in 1985. As of 2000, Nigeria had a public network of about 700,000 lines capacity of which 400,000 lines were connected. Nigeria, therefore, was behind in comparative terms juxtaposed with less endowed African countries, let alone advanced countries.

“The promulgation of the Nigerian Communications Commission NCC Decree 75 of 1992, marked a turning point in the trajectory of communication policy formulation and enabling laws in our clime. The NCC’s main objectives at inauguration in 1993, include to create a regulatory environment to facilitate the support of telecommunications services and facilities; facilitating the entry of private entrepreneurs into the telecommunications market; and promoting fair competition and efficient market conduct among all players in the industry.

“As a natural consequence, guidelines were set out for private sector participation and issuance of licensees to several companies to play in different segments of the Nigerian telecom market. In 2001, the Commission embarked on full deregulation of the market with the issuance of the Digital Mobile License DML to two private operators, thus breaking the monopoly of the historical sectoral operator, the NITEL. Today, as you may also be aware, the telecom industry has recorded tremendous growth in all segments of the market. “The industry has witnessed quite impressive statistics, pointing to how telecommunications policy and decisions of the government have continued to influence the growth of Nigeria’s digital revolution marked by positive multiplier effects on other sectors of the economy.

“The NCA, which is the primary regulatory instrument for the telecommunications sector and is now being considered for a review considering the rapid developments in the digital space, provides a firmer foundation upon which the telecom sector rode to prominence and impact in the last 22 years. Suffice it to say, that between 2001 and now, Nigeria emplaced several forward-looking policy and regulatory initiatives that have consistently put the country on the path of digital innovation and growth.

“In specific terms, the National Digital Economy Policy and Strategy NDEPS 2020 – 2030, is a major policy driving the digital revolution in Nigeria. The NDEPS, combined with other policy documents, strategies, regulations, guidelines and directions, developed by NCC, facilitated the implementation of the Commission’s mandate. Other policy strategies include the National Broadband Plan NNBP 2020-2025, the National Policy on 5G Networks for Nigeria’s Digital Economy, Commission’s ongoing Strategic Management Plan SMP 2020-2024, and the Strategic Vision Plan 2021-2025 (otherwise called SVP II, and sequel to the Eight-point Agenda which was implemented from 2015-2020).

“The SVP II is indeed an intentional, conscious, and dedicated effort by the management of NCC to streamline the telecom component of key policy vision of the Federal Government (including the Economic Recovery and Growth Plan) towards a more strategic and measurable implementation.

“The Commission has championed the implementation of these policies on digital access and connectivity through various initiatives and regulatory interventions to ensure that more Nigerians have access to digital services that are affordable”.

Prof Danbatta noted that the commission in line with its commitment to regulatory excellence, has relentlessly pursued the implementation of the NDEPS to achieve the objectives of the Federal Government, which include but not limited to the targeted 70per cent broadband penetration in four years, accelerate the digitalisation of government processes and improve service delivery, transparency, and accountability, improve trust, confidence and security around digital processes and activities.

Others include to attract and grow digital jobs across all sectors of the economy, to develop the technology start-up ecosystem by actively promoting innovation and entrepreneurship, to support the digital literacy of Nigerian citizens, business and government workers and enable them to acquire cutting-edge digital skills.

He also listed the projection to achieve a 95per cent digital literacy level in Nigeria within the next 10 years, to develop a digital education curriculum to meet the current and future needs of the digital economy, to ensure that indigenous technology companies can participate actively in government-funded technology programmes and to ensure that the policy and regulatory instruments are fit-for-purpose and support the digital business environment, among others.

According to the EVC, “The implementation of these policies and strategies by the Commission and other stakeholders has resulted in the impressive growth of the economy going to impressive statistics posted by the telecommunications sector.

“Today, the active telecom subscribers have grown significantly to 212.2 million from about 400,000 aggregate telephone lines in the country as of 2000, on the eve of liberalisation. This represents a teledensity of 111per cent. Basic Internet subscriptions grew from zero ground to 152.7 million currently while broadband subscriptions stand at over 86 million, representing a 45.09per cent penetration as of July 2022.

“The industry has also become a major contributor to our national economy with the Information and Communication Technology ICT industry contributing 18.94per cent to the nation’s Gross Domestic Product GDP as at the second quarter of 2022, according to the latest data released by the National Bureau of Statistics NBS. From this, the telecommunications sector alone contributed 15per cent to GDP.

“The ICT contribution to GDP is, by far, the second largest contributor to the national economy aside from the agricultural sector. From less than $500 million investment in 2001, the investment profile in the nation’s telecommunications sector has also surpassed $70 billion. The telecommunication sector has also created direct and indirect jobs for millions of Nigerians to date.

“With all these indices of growth in the telecom sector, arising from the effective implementation of various telecommunication policies and strategy documents, the sector has continued to redefine the way we carry out our operational and professional activities with greater efficiency and effectiveness. Access to the Internet, and more importantly, broadband, has become very central to our official and personal lives.

“Be it in the media, education, finance, healthcare, transport, governance etc., broadband access has become a necessity. If you think of how the Internet has impacted the process of news gathering, production and dissemination by media professionals and the convergence being experienced across media platforms, then, it won’t be difficult to appreciate the impact of telecom, and by implication, the role of policies, across the spectrum of our daily lives, as individuals and as a nation. The digital revolution now has a profound impression on the way we function as a nation.”

Experts believe that digital revolution coupled with the diligent implementation of telecommunication policies would provide tools for communication and that without ICT/telecommunications tools, communication would not have all the tools it now has at its disposal to revolutionise news production. Similarly, internet, websites, blogs, and social media would not exist without ICT as communication would be taken back to the use of newspapers, traditional TV and radio, thus making it almost impossible to keep abreast of developments as they are unfolding.

Other benefits include the fact digital revolution makes communication fast, as one can today, watch any event in any corner of the world as it is happening, even as live events and real-time reporting are now possible, thanks to technological advancement in communication as well as that with ICT, communication is fast, precise and well-targeted

Digital revolution makes mass communication more affordable It is no longer a costly affair to pass information. With an internet connection and a computer, anyone can pass information to the world. It costs very little to post news on Facebook, Twitter, and any other social media platforms. Therefore, major media houses around the world are now embracing technological change.

Digital Revolution diversifies communication. It is no longer the time when, if you wanted news, you had to read a newspaper, watch television or listen to the radio. Today, you can get all information on websites, social media pages, and mobile devices. This diversification has made it possible for communication to be efficient, and effective and reach all four corners of the world. It has enhanced free access to information: Mass communication will never be complete if its product does not reach the intended users. ICT makes sure that communication achieves its intended objective of reaching the masses as the events are breaking, among several other benefits.