DG AMCON, Ahmed Kuru

Asset Management Corporation of Nigeria AMCON, has said that there is no iota of truth in the reports by a section of online media not Business and Transport over a pending debt recovery matter between the corporation and one Mr. Olajide Awosedo, chairman, Grant Properties Limited.

The corporation insists that as a recovery agency of the government, its actions must always conform to the provisions of the relevant laws and due process.

In a statement issued by its Head, Corporate Communications Mr. Jude Nwauzor, the corporation says that such reports remain a figment of the imagination of their writers.

The statement reads in part: “The attention of Asset Management Corporation of Nigeria AMCON has been drawn to some sponsored and inaccurate reports on some online publications regarding a pending debt-related issue between one Mr. Olajide Awosedo, the Chairman of Grant Properties Limited and the corporation.

“We also observed a purported response by AMCON in some sections of the online media, which is being presented to the public as the corporation’s reaction to the falsehood. The general public is hereby informed that these stories are barefaced falsehood and the corporation wants to put on record that it did not issue any press statement or a rejoinder in reaction to the said inaccurate news reports”.

According to him, in line with its statutory mandate, AMCON would not join issues with obligors on the pages of newspapers adding that as a law abiding recovery agency of the Federal Government of Nigeria, its actions would always be guided by the provisions of relevant laws and therefore enjoined the public to disregard such falsehood.