

Barring any last minute change in the scheme of things, the Managing Director/CEO of Asset Management Corporation of Nigeria AMCON, Mr. Ahmed Lawan Kuru ALK, will on Tuesday October 9, 2018 at the Eko Hotels and Suites, Lagos, address aviation stakeholders as guest speaker at the annual aviation colloquium.

The forum is organised annually by Nigeria TravelsMart NTM to seek ways of improving professionalism in the aviation industry of the Nigerian economy. The theme for this year’s edition is “Corporate Governance and Airline Industry Development in Nigeria.”

The MD, who has been consistent in his calls for the strengthening of good corporate governance across different institutions (both private and public) in the country, was selected as guest speaker by the Board of Nigeria TranvelsMart Magazine because of his outstanding commitment to this call over the years. The AMCON boss, the organisers added, would also use the opportunity provided by the forum to share the experiences of AMCON’s intervention in the transport and allied sectors, with particular interest in Aero and Arik Airlines. ALK would also be expected to field questions from participants, aviation practitioners and the media during the event.

According to the Publisher and CEO of Nigeria TravelsMart Magazine and organisers of   the   annual colloquium,Mr. Simon Tumba, “We are delighted to have the MD of AMCON, who is a strong advocate of good corporate governance to deliver this year’s lecture. As a strong corporate player that practices what he preaches in his present organisation and others he previously managed, I can tell you that industry players are already looking forward to having frank interactive session with ALK because of his bluntness.”

He said, given the leading role of AMCON in Nigeria as a stabilising and revitalising agent of the federal government and necessary and timely intervention in aviation industry, which is critical to the economic growth of the nation, ALK’s contribution at the colloquium will be valuable to industry stakeholders and the country in general.

Aside ALK, the publisher stated that other discussants and participants expected at the colloquium, include, Capt. Dapo Olumide, Chief Executive Officer, Ropeways Transport Limited; Mr. Chris Amenechi, VP Pricing and Revenue Management Copa Airlines; Mr. Kola Ayeye, Chief Executive Officer, GDL Asset Management Company, media practitioners, industry chieftains among others.