DG NIMASA, Dr. Dakuku Peterside

Multinational shipping companies operating in Nigeria under the aegis of the Shipping Association of Nigeria SAN have expressed confidence in the current management of the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency NIMASA, headed by Dr. Dakuku Peterside.

The association is particularly pleased with the giant strides of the 16-month old management, especially in terms of the huge transformation it has brought to the industry in the short period it has presided over the nation’s apex shipping regulatory agency.

Chairman of the association, Mr. Val Usifoh, who gave the commendation during a courtesy visit of the leadership of the association to the agency, also stated that they are impressed with the level of cooperation that exist between the shipping lines and NIMASA, mostly under the current management.

The liners therefore called for a more robust relationship that would engender the full utilisation of the vast opportunities that abound in Nigeria’s shipping industry.

The Chairman who was represented by Mr. John Odunewu also assured that the association on its part will continue to support the good initiatives of the agency as regards improving the day to day affairs of the maritime industry in line with international best practices.

“On behalf of members of the Shipping Association of Nigeria, we would like to thank the management of NIMASA for giving us the opportunity to discuss issues and rub minds. We are glad that we have this level of cooperation going and we look forward to improving further on it”, Usifoh said.

Meanwhile, Director General of the agency, Dr. Dakuku Peterside, who played host to the leadership of the association, described the multinational shipping companies as key players in the maritime transport industry.

He therefore assured that NIMASA will continue to engage and partner members of the association so that Nigerians can reap the benefits of the maritime industry.

The DG also informed the group of efforts being made by the current management of the agency in the area of security, through the integrated maritime security infrastructure and waterways surveillance system.

He said: “We will leave no stone un-turned in our efforts to achieve the NIMASA’s policy of zero tolerance to all forms of criminalities on the nation’s waterways, with a view to making them safe and secure.

“Let me also assure you that very soon, the issue of maritime insecurity of any type in the country will be history, because by then we would have fully implemented the new maritime security architecture which will include deployment of more equipment, more personnel and of course upping the game in the area of intelligence gathering and sharing”.

Peterside also stated that the agency as a whole will continue to work closely with all relevant stakeholders in order to fully optimise the benefits in the industry.

“We are not on different sides; we may be working from different perspectives, but we are working towards the same goal in ensuring that people optimise benefits from maritime transportation. We are ensuring that there are no inefficiencies and that our effectiveness is on top of the game, so that Nigeria will be a preferred destination for commerce and for doing transaction”, he further assured.

Recall that the Peterside led management of the agency has made collaboration and stakeholders’ engagement a cardinal aspect of its management style, a development that has given the various stakeholders a sense of belonging.

The DG has also consistently sought and got stakeholders’ buy in in most of its policy directions, while always giving room for constructive criticisms, a development that has given room for openness and collaboration.